(You may also wish to review our basic information, including orientation videos)
Shenandoah Valley Social Services has identified needs for more Resource Families in general, and especially in…
Finding Families for Minorities
We want to improve our ability to recruit minority Resource Parents – African American families and Latino families are in short supply. We know our children would experience less trauma/disruption in their lives if we can provide placements that better understand and fully support their cultural/ethnic/racial heritage.
Finding Families with Room for Several
Too often it is necessary to separate siblings in foster care due to a lack of Resource Families who can accommodate sibling groups of 3, 4 or more. We hope to reduce the occasions when this is necessary. Siblings separated from each other in foster care may experience trauma, anger and an extreme sense of loss. Research suggests separating siblings may make it difficult for them to begin healing, make attachments, and develop a healthy self-image.
Finding Families for Teens
Teens are often viewed as “too difficult”… but many of the teens in foster care are just like the other teens you already know. Without local Resource Families to provide a home, many teens must be placed away from their “home” community and possibly in an institutional setting, even when their behavior does not require that type of placement.